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Press & Outreach

We actively communicate with policy, practice, and the public. This page provides links and materials summarizing key research results and activities.

If you would like further materials or are searching for experts on the circular economy, just

Research on the sustainability of packaging from the Circulus project recently featured in the show "Planet Wissen" (Planet of knowledge) at a national TV channel (ARD). For watching the video or listening to the podcast, click on the picture.

Planet Wissen 2020





Beitrag zum Freiburger Wissenschaftsmarkt: "SDG - Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung" (SDG 12, Anna Petit-Boix)



"Sustainable Megacities: Health, Risks, Resources – Part IV" Talk at Wunderbar2gether.



"Plastiktüte vermieden & Müll getrennt - Umwelt gerettet?"
Talk at Volkshochschule Freiburg



"What does science have to do with lobbying?" A discission on how research and policy shape sustainable economies.
Talk by Meadhbh Bolger and Dr. Stephan Lutter as part of the “Early-Career Researchers Seminar on New Sustainable Economies” organized by Hanna Helander, Anran Luo & Machteld Simoens



"Plastik sparen, im Papier schwelgen? Potentielle Effekte des deutschen Verpackungsgesetzes"
Talk at the Ministry for the Environment, Energy, Nutrition and Forests, Rheinland-Pfalz, Mainz, Germany.

Press (online and print)



"Wieso wir Lebensmittelabfälle vermeiden sollten." fudder-Interview with Hanna Helander.



"Fears prevent successful circular economy." Press release on the new publication Simoens & Leipold (2021)
DOI: , University of Freiburg



"Lebensmittelverschwendung durch vegetarische Ernährung?" Interview with Hanna Helander on MDR Wissen.



"More veg, less dairy. Freiburg researchers have studied how changing their diet could influence the ecological footprint of Germans." 
Press Release about the new publication Helander et al. (2021) DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/abe673, University of Freiburg.



Circulus group as „Biopioniere“ in a video, a portrait and a podcast about pioneering research and development related to this year’s “Wissenschaftsjahr”.



"DWIH: Interview with Sina Leipold"
Interview by the German Centre for Innovation and Research (DWIH) New York on the circular and the bio-economy.



"Freiburger Jungprofessorin erklärt, wie wir nachhaltiger leben können"
Interview with Sina Leipold on the sustainable lifestyles by Christina Braun.



"So häufig verwenden, wie es nur geht"
Interview with Sina Leipold on the German ban on pastic bags in LizzyNet by Sabine Melchior.



"Verbot von Plastiktüten: Nachhaltigkeitsforscherin Sina Leipold begrüßt die Initiative, kritisiert aber den Mangel an Alternativen"
Interview with Sina Leipold by the expert service of the University of Freiburg.



"Müllvermeidung taucht nirgendwo auf"
Interview with Sina Leipold about German Packaging Policy in the German Newspaper TAZ  by Heike Holdinghausen.



"Von der Feinwurzel zum Footprint"
Interview with Janine Schweier, Friderike Beyer & Sina Leipold about their research in the University of Freiburg’s magazing UniWissen by Hans-Dieter Fronz.



"Debatten durchleuchten"
Interview with Sina Leipold about her research in the online platform Bioö by Beatrix Boldt.



"Gut vernetzt"
Interview with Sina Leipold, among others, about her outreach activities in the online magazine of University of Freiburg.



"Ideen verbreiten sich nicht zweckfrei"
Interview with Sina Leipold about her research and the Deutsche Studienpreis in the online magazine of University of Freiburg.



"Zwischen Wissenschaftspreis und White Rabbit"
Interview with Sina Leipold on research and career in the student magazine Fudder by Laura Wolfert.



"Liegt die Zukunft im Kreislauf?"
Chapter about the Circulus Research Group in Geschäftsbericht Projektträger Jülich 2016, pp. 36-37.


"Nachhaltige Ressourcenwirtschaft der Zukunft"
Press Release about the Circulus Research Group 2016, University of Freiburg.


Radio & TV



"Umweltfreundlich und gesund essen, geht das?"
Radio interview with Hanna Helander on uniCROSS - Campus report.



"Papiertüten – Eine Nachhaltige Alternative Zu Plastik?"
TV interview with Sina Leipold on ban of plastic bags on Baden TV Süd by Melanie-Helen Baier.



"Berge voller Plastikmüll"
TV Report featuring expertise of Sina Leipold in SWR aktuell by Bernd Schlecker, Südwestdeutscher Rundfunk.



"Energiepflanzen, Gentechnik, Kreiswirtschaft – was hat Zukunft und warum?"
Radio report on Circulus Group at Radio Regenbogen  by Wolfgang Krause.





Early-Career Researchers Seminar on New Sustainable Economies, Freiburg
A seminar for early-career researchers working on alternative sustainable economy concepts such as circular, bio or low-carbon economy, organized by Hanna Helander, Anran Luo & Machteld Simoens.          




Interims Workshop of the "Circulus" Project, Berlin
This interactive workshop focused on presenting research outcomes of the project and discussing practical implications and new ideas with partners and practicioners while identifying relevant future research topics.




World Resources Forum, Geneva
How to create a bio-based circular economy - from political goals to actions in cities and industries      




Kick-Off Workshop of the "Circulus" Project, Freiburg
This interactive workshop focused on collecting insights and sectoral expertise to support and improve the project's research design and to identify pressing research questions with high societal relevance.                 

Blog & Newsletter

Circular economy stories: visit our research blog

Bi-annual newsletters of the Circulus project:

Newsletter No. 1

Newsletter No. 2

Newsletter No. 3

Newsletter No. 4

Newsletter No. 5

Newsletter No. 6

Newsletter No. 7